Printing is essential for various business functions such as marketing, operations, training, and HR. While some companies prefer in-house printing, outsourcing is becoming a more cost-effective solution. Discover why outsourcing printing services makes sense and the advantages of working with a reputable printing company.

What Does “Print Outsourcing” Mean?

Outsourcing printing services is a stress-free solution for all your print needs. By partnering with a professional printer, you can have them handle all your print projects, including design, and receive the finished products at your doorstep.

One of the main benefits of outsourcing printing is cost savings. You don’t need to invest in expensive in-house printers and technologies that require frequent maintenance and repairs. The cost per print is often lower with outsourcing than in-house printing.

Print outsourcing is also a convenient and flexible option for businesses. You can eliminate the worry of faulty equipment or running out of supplies, allowing you to focus on your core operations.

In addition to convenience, outsourcing printing offers a wider range of sophisticated products. You can choose from a variety of paper types and finishes, such as binding and laminating, to create high-quality printed materials that make a lasting impression.

Comparing In-House Printing to Print Outsourcing

To determine the best print solution for your business, it’s crucial to compare the costs of in-house printing and outsourcing. Let’s look at the expenses associated with in-house printing.

Misconceptions about the Cost of In-House Printing

The cost of equipment is just one aspect of in-house large quantity printing. There are also expenses for maintenance, upgrades, materials (paper and ink), employee training, and employee time to perform the printing. Additionally, multiple printers may be necessary to handle large scale printing jobs. All of these factors must be considered when evaluating the cost of in-house printing.

What is the Real Cost of Printing In-House?

Let’s delve deeper into the actual costs of in-house printing.

  • Equipment Cost Calculation: One way to calculate the equipment cost is by using the following formula: Monthly Equipment Cost = (Purchase Price + interest expenses) divided by the number of months the equipment will be utilized. Alternatively, you can calculate the equipment cost per print by determining the number of prints per month.
  • Maintenance Cost: It’s a reality that equipment will not always function perfectly, leading to breakdowns and the need for repairs. This can result in both lost time and monetary expenses for your business.
  • Impact on Quality: In your business – quality matters. Staying on brand with your professional output to clients and/or prospects is important. In-house printing may limit your options for paper and printing, potentially affecting the overall quality of your printed materials.  This can compromise the quality of your printed materials and undermine your efforts to present yourself in a favorable light.
  • Space Considerations: There is a cost associated with the physical space occupied by the printing equipment. How much space can be used for your business in more productive ways?  Determine the cost of the physical space occupied by finding the cost per square foot of rent and multiply it by the number of square feet utilized by the printing setup.
  • Labor Expense: Don’t forget to factor in the labor costs associated with operating the equipment. This could be the responsibility of an entire department, a single person, or just a portion of someone’s time.


Outsource Your Printing to Palm Beach Copy

Palm Beach Copy is available to handle your large format printing and/or print job needs, freeing up your time and saving you considerable effort. This allows you to be more efficient in your office and tackle other tasks on your to-do list. Call us at 561-655-2838 or visit our Submit Your Work Order online.